Unified Control State Change Events – working with reactive form is never the same in Angular


Reading Time: 6 minutes Introduction In this blog post, I want to describe a new Angular 18 feature called unified control state change events that listen to events emitted from form groups and form controls. These events return an Observable that can pipe to different RxJS operators to achieve the expected results. Then, the Observable can resolve in an … Read more

Made typos in routes? Redirect routes with functions


Reading Time: 4 minutes Introduction In this blog post, I want to describe a new feature called redirect functions with routes. When defining routes in Angular, it is possible to catch and redirect a route to a different path using redirectTo. One example is to catch all unknown routes and redirect them to a 404 page. Another example is … Read more

Built replies generation application with Angular


Reading Time: 6 minutes Introduction I built a replies generation application four times using different large language models, APIs, frameworks, and tools. I experimented with different tools and models to find my preferred stack to build Generative AI applications. Create a new Angular Project Update the app component The app component has a router outlet to lazy load the … Read more

Generating replies using Huggingface interference and Mistrial in NestJS


Reading Time: 7 minutes Introduction In this blog post, I demonstrated generating replies with Huggingface Inference and Mistral 7B model. Buyers can provide ratings and comments on sales transactions in auction sites such as eBay. When the feedback is negative, the seller must reply promptly to resolve the dispute. This demo aims to generate responses in the same language … Read more

Generating replies using Groq and Gemma in NestJS


Reading Time: 7 minutes Introduction In this blog post, I demonstrated generating replies with Groq SDK and Gemma 7B model. In auction sites such as eBay, buyers can provide ratings and comments on sales transactions. When the feedback is negative, the seller must reply promptly to resolve the dispute. This demo aims to generate responses in the same language … Read more

Generating replies using Langchain multiple chains and Gemini in NestJS


Reading Time: 7 minutes Introduction In this blog post, I demonstrated generating replies with Langchain multiple chains. In auction sites such as eBay, buyers can provide ratings and comments on sales transactions. When the feedback is negative, the seller must reply promptly to resolve the dispute. This demo aims to generate responses in the same language of the buyer … Read more

Generating replies with prompt chaining using Gemini API and NestJS


Reading Time: 8 minutes Introduction In this blog post, I demonstrated generating replies with prompt chaining. In auction sites such as eBay, buyers can provide ratings and comments on sales transactions. When the feedback is negative, the seller has to provide a response promptly to resolve the dispute. This demo saves time by generating replies in the same language … Read more

Perform text translation using Vertex AI, Gemini, and NodeJS


Reading Time: 5 minutes Introduction Internationalization (i18n) is an important aspect of commercial websites because commercial owners want to sell their products to customers worldwide. Even though English is one of the most popular languages in the world, not everyone can read and write it fluently. Therefore, websites normally provide additional languages, such as Spanish and Chinese, for visitors … Read more